Westbridge Commercial Ltd
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Commercial Property Valuation

Take a few moments to supply some information with your valuation request. Please use the notes field at the end to add any additional information not covered in the form directly.

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Property Details


Westbridge Commercial Limited offer a free market appraisal (known as a Valuation) for those clients looking to sell or let their property with Westbridge Commercial Ltd. This is subject to availability and access to the property. A market appraisal is not a Valuation for 3rd party purposes such as banks, mortgage companies, pension funds, HMRC or financial planning purposes. This type of valuation is undertaking by an RICS valuer and is chargeable. If you are unsure on the type of Valuation you require please ask us prior to booking the appointment.

If you can't fill in the form, call us on 01789 415628

Please read our Privacy Statement if you are worried about giving us this information.

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Westbridge Commercial Ltd

Letting Fee Information

The asking rent does not include letting fees. Our standard administration fee (which covers general administration and preparation of paperwork) is £xxx (£xxx+VAT). A security deposit, usually equivalent to six weeks rent, is also payable.

Depending on your circumstances and the property you select, one or more of the following may also be charged to you upfront;

Fees may be charged on a per person or per property basis, please call us on 01789 415628